I think blogs, like theatre are dead artforms. Does anybody still blog, or does everybody just now do a podcast? It doesn't really matter, because this is more for me than anybody else. A way to keep track of where I've been, and who I've been in the past. So, I guess like theatre, I will keep doing this until it no longer exists at all.
Theatre wise that might already be the case for me right now. I haven't been in a show since Deathtrap closed, and my streak of always booking seems to have gone away, along with my feelings of safety in day to day life. I wonder if my big-guy, white male armor was also the thing that kept me booking jobs? Of course, that certainly was part of it. But as I start this new year, I have absolutely nothing to look forward to.
I've never been big into resolutions. This year I have very little resolve left. But I am coming to terms with some things. The person who I am at my core is never going to change. I was a serious child, who took things very personally, and I'm a serious middle-aged man, who takes things very personally. But I'm weary of fighting. So, I am going to try to cut all the things out of my life that make me want to fight back. I'm going to block trolls and let the noise of most of the world go. I'm tired of being mad all the time. My anger at Trump and his worshippers won't change them. Not only are they also who they are, but they are terrible humans. There's nothing I can do about that. I will vote and support people who are progressive and care about the world, but nobody gives a shit what I have to say, and highlighting the worst atrocities these people commit only fills my life with toxicity. So I'm going to Marie Kondo that crap. I'm tired of arguing about sports. I like my teams and root for them. I don't troll other people, I don't trashtalk. I especially don't shit all over players and coaches of my own team because I hold them to a ridiculous standard that no human could achieve. I went to the Rose Bowl with my friend who is a Michigan fan. We had a great time. He rooted for his team, I rooted for Alabama. That was it. No negativity, no BS. Just fandom. So, I'm going to try to do more of that. The rest is just poopey.
I'm going to try to drink less, not because I think it's a problem, but because it is expensive. So, I guess I'm going to try to buy less beer. If we are our and you want to buy me a beer, I will appreciate it, but won't expect it.
I would like to keep acting. I really need to find something. I will also need to find another survival job in February, as Little Fish is losing our space, and therefore there will be no box office to manage. I'd like to continue walking on a daily-ish basis. Maybe even work out some. I enjoy listening to podcasts (the death of my beloved blogs) while strolling about.
I just want a life that sparks joy to counteract my serious nature. So, I want to fill it with joy.
Also, Ted Lasso is Life amigos!
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