ASF to USF in one simple step that only took fifteen years.
I haven't posted in several months, mainly because nothing has been going on. I was in a tremendously long slump. I haven't done a play since Deathtrap in October. I sent in a few self-tapes, but didn't even get callbacks, which people tell me is normal, but I was on a hot streak for a long time. But that has finally come to an end. The wonderful people at Utah Shakespeare Festival cast me in their 2024 season! I'll be playing Lovell in Henry VIII and Antonio in Much Ado. As well as some really cool understudy tracks. Fifteen years ago, this is the kind of work I thought I was ready for. Part of the reason I went to Alabama Shakespeare for my MFA was because it too was one of the largest Shakespeare festivals in the country. However, the best laid plans of mice and MFAs often go awry. My timing probably couldn't have been worse. Halfway through my first year, the Artistic Director got in a pissing match with the Uni...